欢迎来到太阳集团1088vip磁性纳米结构和磁电子学(MNS) 研究小组主页。


  • 2023.1 – 2026.12,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目,12274071,二维范德华晶体界面调控磁性异质结的磁性,在研。
  • 2021.1 – 2024.12,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目,52071079,稀土薄膜中的自旋霍尔效应,在研。
  • 2017.7 – 2022.6,参加国家重点研发计划,2017YFA0204803,相变纳米记忆存储和低维自旋电子器件材料的模拟与设计,结题。
  • 2016.1 – 2019.12,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目,51571062,稀土掺杂非磁过渡金属对“铁磁/非磁”纳米复合合金薄膜(FM/NM-RE)的磁性调控,结题。
  • 2016.1 – 2018.12,承担国家自然科学基金青年项目,11504047,单晶Fe3O4-半导体异质结构的自旋相关输运研究,结题。
  • 2015.1 – 2019.12,参加国家自然科学基金国家重大科研仪器研制项目,61427812,飞秒级时间分辨并自旋分辨电子能谱探测系统,结题。
  • 2014.7 - 2017.06,承担江苏省自然科学基金项目,BK20141328,磁坡莫合金/稀土双层薄膜的界面效应和磁化动力阻尼研究,在研。
  • 2014.1 – 2016.12,承担国家自然科学基金青年项目,61306121,单晶Fe3O4磁畴壁存储器件中临界电流密度的研究,已结题。
  • 2011.1 - 2013.12,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目,11074034,半金属磁性氧化物Fe3O4 薄膜的磁性改性,已结题。
  • 2009.1 – 2013.12,参加国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973计划)项目----低维自旋体系的量子效应及其调控子课题4:低维体系中自旋相关新效应、新功能材料探索,已结题。
  • 2009.1 - 2011.12,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目,50871029,稀土掺杂的纳米晶铁族软磁合金薄膜磁化动力阻尼因子的研究,已结题。
  • 2005.1 - 2007.12,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目,50472049,高磁损微米-纳米材料及磁感应发热机制的研究,已结题。
  • 2002.1 - 2004.12,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目,50171020,磁性超薄膜和图型化薄膜的研究,已结题。
  • 2000.1 - 2002.12,参加国家自然科学基金面上项目,59977002,表面等离激元在电接触过程中对电子输运特性影响研究,已结题。
  • 2005.1 - 2007.12,承担江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK2004070,高磁损微米-纳米材料及磁感应发热机制的研究,已结题。
  • 2001.1 - 2002.12,参加国家重点实验室开放课题面上项目,新型氧化物特大磁电阻效应的研究,已结题。
  • 2003.1 - 2004.12,承担国家重点实验室开放课题面上项目,微米亚微米阵列及与半导体集成的磁性薄膜的研究,已结题。
  • 2003.1 - 2003.12,承担国家重点实验室开放课题面上项目,外延生长GaAs (001)/Fe/FeMn 双层膜交换场的研究,已结题。
  • 2007.1 - 2008.12,承担国家重点实验室开放课题面上项目,M06003,磁性薄膜的磁化动力阻尼研究,已结题
  • 2005.4 - 2006.04,翟亚教授得到英国皇家协会访问学者基金在英国约克大学电子系科研一年。


  • " Effective Tuning of Spin Mixing Conductance at the Py/Cu–Nd Interface ", Q. Chen, L. Cao, J. Li, Q. Fu, Y. Zhu, Q. Guo, R. Liu, T. Li, W. Zhang, J. Du, J. Zheng, Z. Huang, P. K. J. Wong, B. Fang, Z. Zeng, Y. Zhai,* Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 242405 (2022).
  • " Magnetism and Spin Transport at Permalloy / Cu 1 − x Tb x Interfaces ", S. Jiang, Z. Huang, Q. An, W. Zhang, Y. Yin, D. Zhang, J. Du, B. You, J.-G. Zheng, W. Liu, Y. Zhai,* Phys. Rev. B 105, 184421 (2022).
  • " Programmable Gilbert Damping in Py / Cu / Fe - Co - Tb Structures with Dynamic Interlayer Coupling ", Q. Chen, Q. Guo, W. Zhang, P. K. J. Wong, Z. Huang, Z. Kou, J. Du, Z. Zeng, Y. Zhai,* Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034027 (2022).
  • " Highly Anisotropic Magnetic Domain Wall Behavior in In-Plane Magnetic Films ", X. Zhou, N. Vernier, G. Agnus, S. Eimer, W. Lin, Y. Zhai,* >Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 237203 (2020).
  • " Exchange Bias in van Der Waals CrCl 3 /Fe 3 GeTe 2 Heterostructures ", R. Zhu, W. Zhang, W. Shen, P. K. J. Wong, Q. Wang, Q. Liang, Z. Tian, Y. Zhai, C. Qiu, and A. T. S. Wee Nano Lett. 20, 5030 (2020).
  • "Interlayer transmission of magnons in dynamic spin valve structures", Q. Chen, X.Z. Ruan, H.L. Yuan, X.C. Zhou, Z.X. Kou, Z.C. Huang, Y.B. Xu, and Y. Zhai,* Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 132403 (2020).
  • "Ferromagnet/Two-Dimensional Semiconducting Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Interface with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy", W. Zhang,* P.K. J. Wong, X.C. Zhou, A. Rath, Z.C. Huang, H.Y. Wang, S. A. Morton, J.R. Yuan, L. Zhang, R. Chua, S.W. Zeng, E. Liu, F. Xu, D. Ariando, H. C. Chua, Y. P. Feng, G. van der Laan, S. J. Pennycook, Ya Zhai,* and Andrew T. S. Wee*, ACS Nano, 13, 2253−2261 (2019).
  • "XMCD and XMCD-PEEM Studies on Magnetic-Field-Assisted Self-Assembled 1D Nanochains of Spherical Ferrite Particles", W. Zhang,* . K. J. Wong, D. Zhang, J.J. Yue, Z.X. Kou, G. van der Laan, A. Scholl, J.G. Zheng, Z. Lu, and Y. Zhai,* Adv. Func. Mater., 27(29): 1701265 (2017).
  • "Enhancing the Spin-Orbit Coupling in Fe3O4 Epitaxial Thin Films by Interface Engineering", Z. Huang,* W. Liu, J. Yue, Q. Zhou, W. Zhang, Y. Lu, Y. Sui, Y. Zhai,* Q. Chen, S. Dong, J. Wang, Y. Xu and B. Wang, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 27353-27359 (2016).
  • "Selective Tuning of Gilbert Damping in Spin-Valve Trilayer by Insertion of Rare-Earth Nanolayers", W. Zhang, D. Zhang, P. K. J. Wong, H. Yuan, S. Jiang, G. van der Laan, Y. Zhai* and Z. Lu, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 17070-17075 (2015).
  • "Enhancement of magnetic moment in ZnxFe3-xO4 thin films with dilute Zn substitution", H. Yuan, E. Liu, Y. Yin, W. Zhang, P. K. J. Wong, J.-G. Zheng, Z. Huang, H. Ou, Y. Zhai,*Q. Xu, J. Du and H. Zhai, Appl. Phys. Lett., 108, (2016).
  • "Texture induced magnetic anisotropy in Fe3O4 films", E. Liu, Z. Huang, J.-G. Zheng, J. Yue, L. Chen, X. Wu, Y. Sui, Y. Zhai,* S. Tang, J. Du and H. Zhai, Appl. Phys. Lett., 107, (2015).
  • "Oxygen vacancy induced magnetization switching in Fe3O4 epitaxial ultrathin films on GaAs(100)", Z. Huang, Q. Chen, Y. Zhai,* J. Wang, Y. Xu and B. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett., 106, (2015).
  • "The influence of Nd dopants on spin and orbital moments in Nd-doped permalloy thin films", C. Luo, W. Zhang, P. K. J. Wong, Y. Zhai,* B. You, J. Du and H. Zhai, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, (2014).
  • "Analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency by doubly degenerate modes in a U-shaped metamaterial", J. Shao, J. Li, J. Li, Y.-K. Wang, Z.-G. Dong, P. Chen, R.-X. Wu and Y. Zhai,* Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, (2013).
  • "The interface effect of the magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin epitaxial Fe(3)O(4) film", Z. C. Huang, Y. Zhai,* Y. X. Lu, G. D. Li, P. K. J. Wong, Y. B. Xu, Y. X. Xu and H. R. Zhai, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, (2008).
  • "Tunable permalloy-based films for magnonic devices", Y. Yin, F. Pan, M. Ahlberg, M. Ranjbar, P. Duerrenfeld, A. Houshang, M. Haidar, L. Bergqvist, Y. Zhai, R. K. Dumas, A. Delin and J. Akerman, Phys. Rev. B, 92, (2015).
  • "Enhancement of magnetization damping coefficient of permalloy thin films with dilute Nd dopants", C. Luo, Z. Feng, Y. Fu, W. Zhang, P. K. J. Wong, Z. X. Kou, Y. Zhai, H. F. Ding, M. Farle, J. Du and H. R. Zhai, Phys. Rev. B, 89, (2014).
  • "In-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial Fe3O4-based hybrid structures on GaAs(100)", W. Zhang, J. Z. Zhang, P. K. J. Wong, Z. C. Huang, L. Sun, J. L. Liao, Y. Zhai, Y. B. Xu and G. van der Laan, Phys. Rev. B, 84, (2011).
  • "Gilbert damping in CoFeB/GaAs (001) film with enhanced in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy", H. Tu, B. Liu, D. Huang, X. Ruan, B. You, Z. Huang, Y. Zhai,* Y. Gao, J. Wang and L. Wei, Sci. Rep., 7, 43971 (2017).
  • "Magnetic interactions in BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 films and BiFeO3/BiMnO3 superlattices", Q. Xu, Y. Sheng, M. Khalid, Y. Cao, Y. Wang, X. Qiu, W. Zhang, M. He, S. Wang, S. Zhou, Q. Li, D. Wu, Y. Zhai, W. Liu, P. Wang, Y. B. Xu and J. Du, Sci. Rep., 5, (2015).
  • "Investigation on Spin Dependent Transport Properties of Core-Shell Structural Fe3O4/ZnS Nanocomposites for Spintronic Application", E. Liu, H. Yuan, Z. Kou, X. Wu, Q. Xu, Y. Zhai,* Y. Sui, B. You, J. Du and H. Zhai, Sci. Rep., 5, (2015).
  • "Discontinuous properties of current-induced magnetic domain wall depinning", X. F. Hu, J. Wu, D. X. Niu, L. Chen, S. A. Morton, A. Scholl, Z. C. Huang, Y. Zhai, W. Zhang, I. Will, Y. B. Xu, R. Zhang and G. van der Laan, Sci. Rep., 3, (2013).
  • "Effect of Zn substitution in (111)-textured ZnxFe3-xO4 thin films on magnetization dynamics", H. Yuan, J.-G. Zheng, Y. Yin, E. Liu, Z. Huang, Y. Zhai*, J. Du and H. Zhai, J. Alloys Compd., 690, 369-375 (2017).
  • "Influence of Cr layer thickness on the static and dynamic performances of Tb/Cr/Ni80Fe20 structure", L. Sun, J. Yue, S. Jiang, Y. Xu, Q. Li, Q. Chen, X. Zhou, Z. Huang, Z. Yao, Y. Zhai and H. Zhai, J. Alloys Compd., 695, 1324-1328 (2017).
  • "Selective tuning of magnetization dynamics damping in Tb- and Nd-doped permalloy ultrathin films by adjacent copper nanolayers", D. Zhang, J. Yue, S. Jiang, Y. Zhai*, J. Du and H. Zhai, J. Alloys Compd., 672, 170-175 (2016).
  • "Mechanical stress effect on leakage current in Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 thin films", X. Wu, E. Liu, X. Li, Y. Zhai, H. Chen and M. Xu, J. Alloys Compd., 641, 106-109 (2015).
  • "Inverse magnetoresistance in textured Fe3O4 film", E. Liu, W. Zhang, J.-G. Zheng, X. Hu, H. Ou, R. Du, C. Kou, Y. Zhai*, Q. Xu, J. Du, Y. Xu and H. Zhai, J. Alloys Compd., 649, 239-243 (2015).
  • "Angular dependence of ferromagnetic resonance in Tb-doped Ni80Fe20 thin films", C. Luo, D. Zhang, Y. Wang, H. Huang, Y. Zhai* and H. Zhai, J. Alloys Compd., 598, 57-60 (2014).
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