蒋维洲 教授
研究方向包括量子核多体理论与核天体物理、生物物理与计算凝聚态、中高能核物理唯象学等方面。至今发表了研究论文近百篇,散见于CPL、CPC、PR Series、PLA、PLB、ApJ、EPJA、JML等学术期刊上。先后主持了多项国家与江苏省的自然科学基金项目研究。
1. Jing Ye, J. Margueron, Niu Li, W.Z. Jiang, Zero-sound modes for the nuclear equation of state at supra-normal densities, Phys. Rev. C. 108, 044312 (2023).
2. Pei-Ying Huo, Wei-Zhou Jiang, Rong-Yao Yang, Xiu-Rong Zhang, Dynamic Evolution of at the Oxygen Evolving Complex with the Spin Marker under the Photoelectric Polarization, arXiv:2308.10769.
3. Rong-Yao Yang, Wei-Zhou Jiang, Pei-Ying Huo, Qi-Lin Zhang, Strong amplification of mid-infrared radiation absorption in nanotube-confined water, Phys. Fluid. 35, 052003 (2023).
4. Niu Li, Wei-Zhou Jiang, Jing Ye, Si-Na Wei, Rong-Yao Yang, Strong correlation of the neutron star core-crust transition density with the sigma-meson mass via vacuum polarization, Phys. Lett. B 839 (2023)137765.
5. Liu-Ye Meng, Rong-Yao Yang, Wei-Zhou Jiang, Heating anomaly of cold interfacial water under irradiation of mid-infrared pulses, J. Phys. Chem. C 126 (42), 18139(2022).
6. Rong-Yao Yang, Wei-Zhou Jiang, Pei-Ying Huo, Anisotropic energy absorption from mid-infrared laser pulses in constrained water systems, J. Mol. Liq. 366, 120286 (2022).
7. Fan Li, Bao-Jun Cai, Ying Zhou, Wei-Zhou Jiang, and Lie-Wen Chen, Effects of Isoscalar- and Isovector-scalar Meson Mixing on Neutron Star Structure, ApJ 929, 183 (2022).
8. Niu Li, Si-Na Wei, Wei-Zhou Jiang, Nuclear Potentials Relevant to the Symmetry Energy in Chiral Models, Symmetry, 14, 474 (2022).
9. Si-Na Wei, Rong-Yao Yang, Jing Ye, Niu Li, and Wei-Zhou Jiang, Symmetry potentials and in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections within the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model in relativistic impulse approximation, Phys. Rev. C 103, 064604 (2021).
10. W. Z. Shangguan, Z. Q. Huang, S. N. Wei, and W. Z. Jiang, Neutron star deformability with hyperonization in density-dependent relativistic mean-field models, Phys. Rev. D 104, 063035 (2021).
11. S. N. Wei, W. Z. Jiang, Z. Q. Feng, Systematics on the high-density nuclear equation of state from relativistic Hartree-Fock theory with Brown-Rho scaling, Phys. Rev. C 104, 045804 (2021).
12. Rong-Yao Yang, Wei-Zhou Jiang, Si-Na Wei, Level inversion in kaonic nuclei and the high-density nuclear equation of state, Phys. Lett. B 795, 188 (2019).