学术报告:J/psi nuclear modification factor in nucleus-nucleus collisions


报告人:   许晓明 教授 (上海大学物理系) 

时  间: 512日(周三)上午1000

地  点: 田家炳楼南楼203



Various mechanisms for J/psi suppression and the recombination mechanism of charm quark and charm antiquark are reviewed. STAR collaboration has offered eminent nuclear modification factor of J/psi at high p_T and at midrapidity produced in Cu-Cu collisions at the center-of-mass energy 200 GeV. Recalling a prediction of the speaker we can understand that the feature of high-p_T nuclear modification factor is related to charm quark-antiquark pairs produced by 2-to-1 and 2-to-2 partonic processes in deconfined matter particularly in the prethermal stage and to the recombination of charm quark and charm antiquark in deconfined matter. The nuclear modification factor at high p_T is sensitive to the earliest form of deconfined matter that does not have a temperature.





许晓明教授现就职于上海大学物理系,1990年获得博士学位,1994-95是美国弗杰尼亚大学的博士后,2001-03年为美国橡树岭国家实验室的访问学者,19941995年又分别是麻省理工学院(MIT)和Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory的访问科学家。